We all love food.
We all want to be healthy.
Fortunately, we can have it both ways!
As a registered dietitian, I help you find a healthy way of eating that you enjoy. I do this in the magazine articles and books I write, the wellness programs I develop, in the workshops I give at your office, and when I sit down with you for a one-on-one nutrition counseling session.
We all want to be healthy.
Fortunately, we can have it both ways!
As a registered dietitian, I help you find a healthy way of eating that you enjoy. I do this in the magazine articles and books I write, the wellness programs I develop, in the workshops I give at your office, and when I sit down with you for a one-on-one nutrition counseling session.
Health Writing
I write about food trends, disease prevention, dietary supplements, recipes, and meal plans--and that's just for starters! My work appears in national publications, and a few of my books have made the New York Times bestseller list.
Employee WellnessHealthy employees are happier, more productive employees.
I offer a range of employee wellness services--workshops, a health fair booth, and one-on-one counseling. |
Nutrition CounselingInterested in eating more nutritiously--and intuitively? Contact me for a virtual appointment.